Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1964
Message Board
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Greetings, y'all, from Georgia Bulldog country

Dear John, Kathy, Harry and Jane,

   Thanks for prganizing this reunion. Will crawl the 600 miles from Athens, Ga to D. C. over broken glass for this gathering, if I have to.

   Great news. Count me in,

   rich rusk

   706-202-7802; richrusk7@gmail.com


Rich Rusk

Though it was sad to see Helen Goodman, Rhodes Cox, Marion Scoon and Alan Buchanan and others have left us, I am looking forward to seeing old acquaintances. Kudos to the reunion organizers for pulling this together for the rest of us.

Ellen Roberts
from long ago and far away...

It's amazing to dip into this past life with all of you, after so many years. I had to go to boarding school for senior year, and that school is trying to claim me, but Wilson and Deal before that--and all of you--were my real high and junior high experiences. So I wanted to say hello from Budapest, where I am with my husband at a wonderful university set up after Communism fell, to help teach democracy (open society) values. I am doing Roma tolerance and rights work here in Hungary, with a website www.nalunknem.org and I also have a personal website, ellenhume.org I tweet under HUMORus but it's not as funny as it sounds...I have four kids (three step) and four grandkids (one ore on the way) and have been a journalist etc. all my life. Am writing a memoir right now..which makes me all the more intrigued about seeing some of you again. Maybe? It's pretty far to come from Budapest though. Remembering the sororities (I was in Delta Rho???), the Cuban missile crisis, Lorraine Lidoff's amazing baaseball skills, Risa Berman's best-dressed sense of style, the crazy malapropisms of our English teacher from Boise, working for the school newspaper, etc. etc. My best to all of you--Ellen( Hunsberger) Hume

Ellen Hunsberger Hume
will be coming, from Budapest!

I have bought two tickets, for my husband and I, to come to the reunion. It's far to come form Budapest Hungary but we are planning to make it! Havent seen most of you (except for Barbara Brown and Peter Crane) for about 51 years, but looking forward to seeing you!

Ellen Hume
50 Years, really?

Amazing to think it was that long ago, but at least we made it this far. I was happy to see the dress code relaxed for the reunion, and I'm guessing Rich Rusk was happy about that, too. I'm sure looking forward to seeing everybody. Henry

Henry Thomas
Hello to all

Finally sent payment in; I wan't sure I could make the reunion, but am now planning on it... excited to see folks again... figure there is only one 50th, so I best attend!

One thing I wasn't sure of, is there a tour at the school at all???  I had thot early on with the planning there was mention, but maybe I missed additional info,

 coudos to those of you who organized this to begin with...


Alice Frankhouser Smyth
Class List

I am a board member of the Wilson Alumni Assn., and also write the quarterly newsletter, The Alumni Beacon.  Would be happy to send a copy to anyone who is interested.

I am trying to update all the Wilson class lists from 1937 on, and would like to know if you prepared a list for your 50th last fall.  I have used the website to update names and locations.




Maryanne Ball Kendall ['57]