Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1964
John Zeller
I graduated from Ohio State University with a double major - history and business administration - in June 1968. I married my college sweetheart 3 weeks later and began working in my grandfathers small blueprinting business in downtown DC. I enlisted in the Virginia National Guard in January 1969. My older daughter, Missy was born 9/12/69 and my younger daughter, Lindsey was born 3 years later 10/19/72. Both of my daughters are bright and have their own productive careers; Missy has been with Trader Joe's for 20 years and Lindsey spent most of her career in communications positions in the health care industry and is now VP for Communications for the non-profit organization Share Our Strength - No Child Hungry.
In 1979 my business merged with another company (by that time the business had become branded as reprographics rather than just blueprinting) and we merged again with another company in 1982. In the next few years we had a series of mergers and acquisitions.
In 1985 we were fortunate enough to take our company public in a very small IPO and were listed on the NASDAQ exchange. In 1988 an investment group purchased the entire company in an LBO. Except for a few years hiatus, I remained in the industry until 2005 when I retired.
I got divorced in 1990 and I remarried in 1994, In June 2014 we will celebrate our 20th anniversary. In November 2005, we both retired and moved to La Quinta one of the cities that comprise the Palm Springs area. Exactly a year later, in November 2006 I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and a year later it became full blown. A bone marrow biopsy indicated I had a very aggressive strain of CLL. On December 26, 2007 I began what was to become 22 weeks of chemo ending in May 2008. I am now 5 1/2 years post-chemo and according to my doctors the CLL is in a very deep remission. I did develop a chronic auto-immune condition, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura that was most likely caused by one of the chemo drugs. Periodically and with no warning, my bone marrow produces anti-bodies that destroy my platelets. My doctors monitor it with frequent blood tests.
But, after all is said and done, I feel very lucky. I got to the right doctors at the right time. I feel fine. I have a wonderful support system. My wife, children and friends have been a real source of strength. I now have 2 fabulous grandchildren, Piper is 12 1/2 and Archer is 5 1/2.
I look forward to seeing lots of classmates next year for our 50th reunion.
November 13, 1913
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