Woodrow Wilson High School Class of 1964
Bill Kramer
How to compress 50 years into something people will find readable? Here goes: Oberlin '68, focusing on the newspaper; returning to DC to take on the family bookstore; nearly 30 years in the book business, finally becoming disenchanted; married Judy Duffield 1977, two boys, Jake and Mike; gap year at 52 to figure out what came next; found a passion for translating new knowledge into human benefit; established my own NGO to help set up knowledge centers in emerging economies in the late '90s; went to work with World Resources Institute, building a significant program on private-sector led development examining how businesses can truly deliver benefits to/with the poor; some pioneering work in this area -- triple bottom line enterprises for the 'base of the economic pyramid'; left WRI late 2007, set up consulting firm, worked independently and with other firms; came out to Colorado starting in early 2009 to work with CSU business school, leading to creation of center for business sustainability; left CSU to lead a start up, Clean Engines International; left when we moved company to Singapore, summer 2013. moved to Boulder full-time early 2011.
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